
GG Dance Eger / Feledi Project As you like it reloaded / Car(wo)men

19:00 | National Theatre of Pécs - Chamber Theatre


1st part: GG Dance Eger: As you like it reloaded

In one of Shakespeare’s best-known comedies, brothers turn against each other, young people fall in love with each other, they laugh and cry, dress in disguise, lose and find each other again, and a sad clown who has an opinion about everyone also emerges. This classic story is adapted in the language of dance by Harangozó Prize winner Noémi Kulcsár, who uses her grotesque and absurd humour to find today’s matches to Shakespeare's eccentric figures, while – with the help of the dancers of GG Dance Eger – brings on stage a classical comedy in which “all the world’s a stage!"

Rozalinda: Anna Manetti
Orlando: Emődi Attila
Olivér: Plita Márk
Célia: Marialaura Savino
Jacques: Kalmár Attila
Csűr: Novák Laura
Csavar: Varga Dániel
Phoebe: Federica Usalti/Kis Viktória
Silvius: Hung-Ming Pan
Charles: Hung-Ming Pan
Oroszlán: Ellenbacher Kamilla

Artistic Director: Topolánszky Tamás
Dramaturg: Cseh Dávid
Costume Design: Bati Nikolett
Set Design: Kulcsár Noémi, Csere Zoltán
Assistant: Emődi Attila
Stage Manager: Kiss Alexandra
Choreographer: Kulcsár Noémi

2nd part: Feledi Project: Car(wo)men

A few thoughts on the excerpt from Bizet's Carmen, basedon Prosper Merimée's masterpiece. A classic and contemporary fusion, where themelodies are mixed into a unique atmosphere, which guides the path of the protagonists. 
The horizon of femininity becomes a unique harmony,interpreted by the body, in the captivating revolt of strength and vitality. The power of female presence in the mind creates a male movement. Carmen is ideal for representing pride, vitality and strength. The performance where dynamics and rhythm become a tool that gives content to this reflection. 

Performed by Jusztina Bakonya, Flóra Frank, Kata Stáry, Dalma Wéninger

Light Designer: József Pető
Set Designer: Krisztián Minorics 
Costumes: Gábor Matisz, Mariann Henez, János Feledi 
Music staff: Roland Szentpáli, János Feledi
Directed and choreographed by János Feledi