
DANCE in Theatre Square

15:00 | Theatre Square

Colourful show given by various local dance groups and schools in Theatre Square.

Project leader: Papp Viktor, founder of the Fordan Dance Club

DANCE in Theatre Square

15:50 | Theatre Square

Colourful show given by various local dance groups and schools in Theatre Square.

Project leader: Papp Viktor, founder of the Fordan Dance Club

Ballet Pécs The Three Musketeers - or the Queen's Pendants

19:00 | National Theatre of Pécs - Grand Theatre


- ballet in two acts -


"One for All! All for One!” – There is no better-known slogan than the greeting of the three musketeers! The romantic adventures of Dumas’s heroes  have been admired by millions all over the world for almost two hundred years.  The fight between the four legendary swordsmen, Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan, as well as the grandmasters of the army, the power-hungry Cardinal Richelieu and the evil but beautiful Milady, has thrilled generations. Gentlemen love it because our heroes shine the most beautiful male virtues, ladies because these virtues make their hearts beat, teenage boys because they want to be tough guys like that, and teenage girls because they want guys like that! Fencing, especially attractive dueling, is based on a sophisticated choreography of intricate steps and arm movements. 
So there is no question that this story was made for the dance stage! 
The universal language of dance, the talented dancers of Ballet Pécs and the wonderful creative team promise another exciting, passionate and entertaining production on the main stage of the Pécs National Theatre.

Performed by
D’Artagnan’s Father: Molnár Zsolt
D’Artagnan: Matola Dávid
Count De Rochefort: Szendrői Bence/Varga Máté
Athos: Tuboly Szilárd
Porthos: Koncz Péter
Aramis: Szabó Márton
Constance, the Queen’s Confidante: Rónaki Nina
Milady: Karin Iwata
Cardinal Richelieu: Balogh Csongor
King Louis the 13th: Varga Máté/Szendrői Bence
Queen Anne of Austria: Kócsy Mónika
Duke of Buckhingham: José Blasco Pastor
Guards: Domján Kristóf and Feszt Gergő Dance Student
Maids, Companions, Female Guards: Horváth Réka Annamária, Katona Dóra, Pintér Rebeka, 
and Behán Frida Dance Student

Composer: Riederauer Richárd
Dramaturgs: Uhrik Teodóra, Tóth András Ernő 
Set Designer: rakpArt galéria
Costume Designer: Fekete Katalin
Choreographers: Ujvári Katalin, Molnár Zsolt 
Director-Choreographer: Vincze Balázs 

Graphic Design: Rajnai Richárd

Coproduction of Ballet Pécs and the National Theatre of Pécs, funded by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation and the National Cultural Fund.