
10th Pécs International Dance Festival

Mecsek Folk Dance Ensemble Folk Dances of Baranya County

17:00 | Theatre Square

Hungarian Dance with the Mecsek Folk Dance Ensemble.

Artistic director: Molnár János

Flamenco Sopianae Flamenco Evening

17:30 | Cella Septichora

vocals: Yazhyan Terézia

Photo: Mihály László

guitar: Marc Ruíz de Anna

cajón: Tóth Áron

doublebass: Suha Antal

dance: Markó Éva, Nagy Eszter

Free entry

GG Dance Eger | PR-Evolution Dance Company | Radioballet Straight Labyrinth | Eternal Springtime | Totem and Taboo

19:00 | National Theatre of Pécs - Chamber Theatre


1st part | GG Dance Eger: Straight Labyrinth

length: appr. 25 min.

performed by: Tóth Karolina, Emődi Attila, Kelemen Dorottya, Schlégl András, Varga Kristóf, Szeles Viktória, Joni Österlund, Sánta Eszter

GG Dance Eger: Straight Labyrinth

choreographer: Mészáros Máté
co-choreographer: Horváth Nóra
scenic design: Engler Imre
costumes: Szaniszló Tamásné
stage manager: Ludányi Andrea
assistant: Pintér Lotti

GG Dance Eger has been operating with the management of Tamás Topolánszky, as a part of the Gárdonyi Géza Theatre, since the August of 2011. Besides their own productions, they enrich the performances of their theatre as well. The company’s basic purpose is to establish a local audience with building a bridge over the chasm of “high” and popular art, and to bring the modern art close to today people with the help of music and dance. They would like to prove that the contemporary, advanced dance performance can also be easily intelligible and popular. 

2nd part | PR-Evolution Dance Company: Eternal Springtime

- piano evening - 

length: appr. 40 min.

performed by: Tokai Rita, Feicht Zoltán (dancers), Orbók Áron (actor), Teleki Gergő (pianist)

PR-Evolution Dance Company

music: Teleki Gergő
video: Spengler László
costumes: Nemes Nóra
choreographer: Nemes Zsófia

Multi art essence, a shorter version of the company’s equal performance in which we instantly find ourselves in the range of our protagonists’ ideas and feelings, accompanied by Gergő Teleki’s live piano act. 
Poems of Endre Ady via music and dance.

3rd part | Radioballet: Totem and Taboo

length: appr. 45 min.

choreographers/performers: Egyed Bea, Újvári Milán
assistant: Soós Attila
music: Adrian Newgent
lighting: Payer Ferenc
trailer: Gothár Márton

After their successful first full-length production 'The Nature of Love', Radioballet, shows up with a new creation. The starting point of the performance is Sigmund Freud’s book with the same title, first published in 1913. 
Radioballet is a platform of two Hungarian independent dance artists, Bea Egyed And Milán Újvári. 

Radioballet: Totem and Taboo | Photo: Dömölky Dániel